1. Grass Seeds
2. Soil
3. Plastic Cup
4. Child Size Sock
5. Rubber band
6. Items to decorate face (we used wiggle eyes, button and fabric paint)
Step 1: Put grass seeds into foot of sock
Step 2: Add soil to cup
Step 3: Wrap sock around lid of cup and dump soil into sock, making sure grass seeds stay at bottom of sock.
Step 4: Tie bottom of sock with rubber band and shape sock to create the size face you would like
Step 5: Decorate face and let dry over night
Step 6: Run water over sock to wet soil and seeds
Step 7: Add water to bottom of the cup and add grass head so that face is sticking out of the cup. The "tail" of the sock will work like a wick to keep your grass head watered.
Step 8: Make sure water is kept in bottom of cup
Step 9: Wait and watch for hair to grow!